
Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on scepticism, mature on optimism and die on euphoria.

Monday, August 24, 2015

LCTH: Export definition a bit confusing

I get little bit confused when I read LCTH's 2014 annual report regarding its Local and Export segment reporting. 

At first glance, more than 90% of the group's products were export to other countries. The strengthening of USD would be a happy situation to the group. 

But when I read the definition of Local and Export market given in the annual report, it's noted that local market refers to customers within Malaysia who are non Licensed Manufacturing Warehouse. 

For those customers in Malaysia who are LMW are considered as Export market as well as overseas customers. 

I checked through online and found out that Licensed Manufacturing Warehouse (LMW) is a premise licensed under section 65A of the Customs Act 1967 and is directly control by Royal Malaysian Customs. It is control by way of documentation and subject to all customs rules and regulations. Licensed manufacturing warehouse is a facility provided for export oriented companies too.

Though I not very understand, I guess it's a register platform for the company to export the products oversea. 

Based on geographical information, RM91.45 million revenue was from Malaysia. 

Minus out RM4.69 million from the Local Market, thus RM86.76 million was related to sales to LMW in Malaysia which equivalent to 68.8% of overall sales. 

While the direct sales to overseas market (SG, US & others) accounted to RM34.59 million, which equivalent to 27% of overall sales. 

So, question remained is sales to LMW in Malaysia is denominated in RM or USD?

I flipped into Foreign Exchange Risk section, management highlighted that 58% of the sales were denominated in foreign currencies while around 51% of costs were denominated in RM in FY2014. 

So, estimated half of the sales to LMW in Malaysia was denominated in foreign currencies. (Just rough estimation after minus out 27% direct sales to overseas market). 

One thing is confirm is 58% of group's sales are denominated in foreign currencies while half of its costs are denominated in RM. That is a good thing in this RM weakening trend although the variation was quite high compared to previous year. 

Another sure thing is the group's USD denominated receivables was higher than its payable. That's good for the group moving forward too. 

So, the strengthening of USD works well for the group though not to the great extend at first glance that more than 95% of overall sales were for Export Market. 

Now left with how the management going to increase its sales as the sales were quite stagnant for a while... 

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